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Diversity of gender expression, identity and sexuality within Pacific Islander (or Pasifika) societies has existed since the beginning of time. QTPI (Queer and Trans Pacific Islander) folk were openly accepted and even held in high regard in our societies. Their roles were special, often tied to spiritual and healing powers. When you think of that power, it should come as no surprise that colonizers tried to stamp it out as hard as they did, often using religion and legislation as cudgels to transform queerness into an object of fear and hatred. But now we are finally seeing an emergence of Pasifika filmmakers and creatives casting off colonial narratives, and reconnecting viewers to values, practices, and perspectives that are truer depictions of our most natural selves. It brings me great pleasure to present the following collection, shining a light on our stories.

-Guest Curator Kristian Fanene Schmidt, Executive Director/Co-Founder of PEAK

Set in a women's rugby team in rural New Zealand, Tits on a Bull follows star-player Phoenix as she struggles to choose between her longtime friendship with aging coach Rusty or the new relationship blossoming between her and team captain Melanie.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Director
    Tim Worrall