The remarkable story of a wildly successful patent attorney, Danielle Joy "DJ" Healey, living in Sugar Land, Texas who, at 57, came out as a trans woman and is now navigating LGBTQ+ issues while using her legal prowess to help fight for the rights of her trans and queer brothers, sisters and siblings in the vortex of Texas conservatism, as she, her wife and two daughters, challenge the idea of what modern love looks like.
- Year2021
- Runtime96 minutes
- LanguageEnglish and some Spanish (with subtitles)
- CountryUnited States
- RatingPG-13
- NoteOur subjects include two notable LGBTQ+ activists: Danielle Joy Healey and Anandrea Molina.
- DirectorSarah King
- ScreenwriterSarah King
- ProducerSarah King, Leah Judge
- Executive ProducerSarah King, Katherine Jordan
- CastDanielle Joy "DJ" Healey, Becky Healey, Sarah Healey, Sasha Simmon, Jeri Ann Young, Anandrea Molina, Anita Kadala, Ruth Saladino, Michael Healey
- CinematographerSarah Anderson
- EditorRobby Barnett, Malinda Zehner, Kevin Kranzky, Leah Judge
- AnimatorMax Lansky Rubin
- ComposerLeah Judge and Under the Rug
The remarkable story of a wildly successful patent attorney, Danielle Joy "DJ" Healey, living in Sugar Land, Texas who, at 57, came out as a trans woman and is now navigating LGBTQ+ issues while using her legal prowess to help fight for the rights of her trans and queer brothers, sisters and siblings in the vortex of Texas conservatism, as she, her wife and two daughters, challenge the idea of what modern love looks like.
- Year2021
- Runtime96 minutes
- LanguageEnglish and some Spanish (with subtitles)
- CountryUnited States
- RatingPG-13
- NoteOur subjects include two notable LGBTQ+ activists: Danielle Joy Healey and Anandrea Molina.
- DirectorSarah King
- ScreenwriterSarah King
- ProducerSarah King, Leah Judge
- Executive ProducerSarah King, Katherine Jordan
- CastDanielle Joy "DJ" Healey, Becky Healey, Sarah Healey, Sasha Simmon, Jeri Ann Young, Anandrea Molina, Anita Kadala, Ruth Saladino, Michael Healey
- CinematographerSarah Anderson
- EditorRobby Barnett, Malinda Zehner, Kevin Kranzky, Leah Judge
- AnimatorMax Lansky Rubin
- ComposerLeah Judge and Under the Rug