Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival 2020

Program 05 - OCEANS FIRST

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Your purchase of a ticket to Program 5 includes 5 films/extras.

Program sponsored by OceanFirst Bank

Sponsored by The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Director Richard Ladkani (Sea of Shadows) talks with Mark Sabaj Perez, PhD (Interim Curator of Ichthyology), and Paul Callomon (Collection Manager of Malacology) about how collecting and trafficking of wild animals damage populations contrasted with the importance and low impact of collecting for modern scientific purposes. Moderated by Michael Kaczmarczik (Adult Programs Developer, Academy of Natural Sciences).


Paul Callomon, Collection Manager of Malacology, ANS

Mr Callomon is jointly responsible for management of the Malacology and General Invertebrates collections and supervision of the imaging and SEM centers. His field of academic interest is the history of molluscan science in Japan. He is a co-author of the standard reference catalog of Japanese marine species.

Mark Sabaj-Perez, PhD, Interim Curator of Ichthyology, ANS

Mark has primary responsibility for the care and maintenance of our extensive collections. He also is involved in a taxonomic revision of the neotropical catfish family Doradidae (thorny catfishes) with descriptions of several new species, modern and fossil. Mark has field and collecting experience in freshwater ecosystems throughout the United States and on four continents including a total of 40 expeditions to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Guyana, Mongolia, Peru, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay and Venezuela.

  • Runtime
    32 minutes