Intrigued by the tale of a strange man living in isolation with a chimpanzee, filmmaker David Romberg travels to his childhood home in Ilha Grande, Brazil to find him, only to discover that the tale pales in comparison to what he uncovers. Set on a remote jungle island, “The Man of the Monkey”, unravels a labyrinth of interconnected uncanny characters, all seeking refuge in the Brazilian jungle.
- Year2020
- Runtime90 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish
- CountryBrazil, United States, Argentina
- PremierePennsylvania Premiere
- GenreDocumentary
- DirectorDavid Romberg
- ProducerDavid Romberg, Mariana Neder, Mimi Bohm, Robert Girvin, and Michael Rieders
Intrigued by the tale of a strange man living in isolation with a chimpanzee, filmmaker David Romberg travels to his childhood home in Ilha Grande, Brazil to find him, only to discover that the tale pales in comparison to what he uncovers. Set on a remote jungle island, “The Man of the Monkey”, unravels a labyrinth of interconnected uncanny characters, all seeking refuge in the Brazilian jungle.
- Year2020
- Runtime90 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish
- CountryBrazil, United States, Argentina
- PremierePennsylvania Premiere
- GenreDocumentary
- DirectorDavid Romberg
- ProducerDavid Romberg, Mariana Neder, Mimi Bohm, Robert Girvin, and Michael Rieders