
party girl + the knot + the midnite affair + sin ayo (no goodbye) + three minutes

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This bundle of shorts is perfect to watch while bundled up with someone you love!

An American supernatural scholar finds out the hard way that the tales he’s read in books are more than just fiction when he goes to Trinidad and Tobago with his girlfriend and finds himself caught in the middle of some good old fashion voodoo bacchanal.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    27 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Trinidad and Tobago
  • Director
    Ryan Khan
  • Screenwriter
    Ryan Khan, Alan Ferreira
  • Producer
    Darisha Beresford
  • Cast
    Keshav Singh, Kerri Tucker, Kiwan Landreth-Smith, Teneille Newallo, Conrad Parris, Penelope Spencer, Luke Ribeiro