SCHEDULED PROGRAM: If you have a Popcorn Frights All-Access Virtual Pass, make sure you're logged into your account to watch this film. If you do not have a Pass, this film can be rented for the listed price. Please note all sales are final: no refunds, no exchanges.
When a disgruntled music journalist accuses a global pop star of queerbaiting, the singer’s devoted fans descend on his remote cabin to wreak havoc and seek retribution.
- Year2024
- Runtime17 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereSoutheast US Premiere
- DirectorNeal Suresh Mulani
SCHEDULED PROGRAM: If you have a Popcorn Frights All-Access Virtual Pass, make sure you're logged into your account to watch this film. If you do not have a Pass, this film can be rented for the listed price. Please note all sales are final: no refunds, no exchanges.
When a disgruntled music journalist accuses a global pop star of queerbaiting, the singer’s devoted fans descend on his remote cabin to wreak havoc and seek retribution.
- Year2024
- Runtime17 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereSoutheast US Premiere
- DirectorNeal Suresh Mulani