Expired October 5, 2020 6:00 AM
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Put down your iPad, the traditional book is still alive and kicking! The Book Makers pulls back the curtain on the people who are keeping books evolving and alive in the 21st century. From the esoteric world of book artists to the digital libraries of the Internet Archive, this film spins a tale of enduring vitality of books. Meet the eclectic visual artists & artisans, located world-wide, who share their philosophies of "creative book-making" & the tactile experience of reading and collecting physical books, delivered via interviews and hands-on work-demonstrations. There are interviews with type-setters and old-world book artists as well as digital librarians and font folks. These artisans are exploring new thinking on what it means to experience a book, and showing unusual books being made, but not as mass production. The book is dead; long live the book.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    58 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    James Kennard