A collection of shorts focusing on relationships.
The in-person screening of these films will be followed by a live Q+A. The recording will be posted on our YouTube channel in the days following the festival.
The in-person screening of this film is followed by a live Q+A with Pancho Moler (writer, actor, Dwarfo-Psychosis), Adam Deyoe (director, Davey's Lullaby), Eloise Sherrid (co-director, The Body is a House of Familliar Rooms), Lauryn Welch (co-director, The Body is a House of Familliar Rooms), Itandehui Jansen (director, Signs and Gestures), and Lily Drummond (director, Illustrating Sam Newton). Moderated by Peter Lubell.
This livestream link allows you to attend the Q+A virtually.
A collection of shorts focusing on relationships.
The in-person screening of these films will be followed by a live Q+A. The recording will be posted on our YouTube channel in the days following the festival.
The in-person screening of this film is followed by a live Q+A with Pancho Moler (writer, actor, Dwarfo-Psychosis), Adam Deyoe (director, Davey's Lullaby), Eloise Sherrid (co-director, The Body is a House of Familliar Rooms), Lauryn Welch (co-director, The Body is a House of Familliar Rooms), Itandehui Jansen (director, Signs and Gestures), and Lily Drummond (director, Illustrating Sam Newton). Moderated by Peter Lubell.
This livestream link allows you to attend the Q+A virtually.