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Synopsis: Dans un futur rapproché où l’avortement est maintenant recriminalisé, Kara est confrontée à une triste et brutale réalité. Malgré les dangers imminents auxquels elle s’expose, elle fait appel à une clinique d’avortement mobile illégale. C’est lorsqu’elle se retrouve dans les méandres de cette lugubre clinique qu’elle est confrontée aux répercussions de sa douloureuse décision.


Synopsis: In the near future, when getting an abortion has once again become a criminal offense, Kara is confronted by a grim and brutal reality. Even though obvious dangers are at play, she seeks out the services of an illegal mobile abortion clinic. Once inside the meanders of this morbid clinic, she is confronted with the consequences of her painful decision. Not only are her life and freedom in danger, but Kara is unprepared to face the emotional repercussions that her decision will have on her and those around her.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    19 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Marianne Farley
  • Screenwriter
    Marianne Farley
  • Cast
    Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, Chantal Baril, Kent McQuaid, Alex Bisping, Christian Jadah et Jean-Moïse Martin.
  • Cinematographer
    Benoit Beaulieu