A character driven coming-of-age story set to the backdrop of a climate crisis, Searching for Amani follows thirteen-year-old aspiring journalist, Simon Ali, as he uncovers the mystery surrounding his father’s murder. Over the course of four years, Simon searches for the answers his family seeks. As a devastating drought rages through Sub-Saharan Africa, conflict erupts and the collateral damage of a warming world is revealed as he begins to fully understand the forces that led to his father’s death. Exploring the life and death of Simon's father catalyzes a nuanced conversation about the changing environment, conservation, and community equity in a time of crisis.
- Year2024
- Runtime1:20
- LanguageSwahili, English
- CountryKenya, USA
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Content WarningMature Themes
- Social Media
- DirectorNicole Gormley and Debra Aroko
- ScreenwriterVickie Curtis, Peter Goetz, Debra Aroko
- ProducerNicole Gormley, Peter Goetz, Mungai Kiroga, Caryn Capotosto
- Executive ProducerGeralyn Dreyfous, David and Linda Cornfield, Randy Gebhardt, Christopher Gebhardt, Janet Tittiger, Gottfried Tittiger, Peter Tittiger, Paula Kahumbu
- AnimatorMai The Vu
A character driven coming-of-age story set to the backdrop of a climate crisis, Searching for Amani follows thirteen-year-old aspiring journalist, Simon Ali, as he uncovers the mystery surrounding his father’s murder. Over the course of four years, Simon searches for the answers his family seeks. As a devastating drought rages through Sub-Saharan Africa, conflict erupts and the collateral damage of a warming world is revealed as he begins to fully understand the forces that led to his father’s death. Exploring the life and death of Simon's father catalyzes a nuanced conversation about the changing environment, conservation, and community equity in a time of crisis.
- Year2024
- Runtime1:20
- LanguageSwahili, English
- CountryKenya, USA
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Content WarningMature Themes
- Social Media
- DirectorNicole Gormley and Debra Aroko
- ScreenwriterVickie Curtis, Peter Goetz, Debra Aroko
- ProducerNicole Gormley, Peter Goetz, Mungai Kiroga, Caryn Capotosto
- Executive ProducerGeralyn Dreyfous, David and Linda Cornfield, Randy Gebhardt, Christopher Gebhardt, Janet Tittiger, Gottfried Tittiger, Peter Tittiger, Paula Kahumbu
- AnimatorMai The Vu