Rincón International Film Festival

Comedia - Comedy Shorts 1

Expired September 7, 2020 3:45 AM
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Based upon our famous "Comedy Night" - A seres of Short comedy films. Comedy Block 1

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"This film celebrates some of our biggest fans of the film festival, the Ditmores, Rincon locals." - Doug Lantz - RIFF

When COVID keeps us apart, we can still find ways to be together. When our parents, Ron and Dawn Ditmore, had to cancel their trip due to the pandemic and the unsafe travels, the family decided that we would continue on with our plans for their trip and find a way to share the experience with them. So we took them on their grand Montana adventure.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Chelsea Ditmore
  • Producer
    Chelsea Ditmore
  • Cast
    Eli Ditmore, Laura Ditmore, Tony Toupin, Anthony Toupin. Dog Cast- Barrett, Benelli, and Tygh.
  • Editor
    Chelsea Ditmore