A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Surely there's something for you in this block of shorts! Enjoy a special Q&A with the filmmakers at the end!
...I am Water is an absurd allegorical FilmPoem that’s hopefully easy to read between the lines. Political ignorance and corporate greed help fuel the current world climate and water crisis. If we are to save the planet, it begins with you and (I)...one drop at a time.
- Runtime2 minutes
- CountryIndiana, USA
- DirectorJim Hall

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Surely there's something for you in this block of shorts! Enjoy a special Q&A with the filmmakers at the end!
...I am Water is an absurd allegorical FilmPoem that’s hopefully easy to read between the lines. Political ignorance and corporate greed help fuel the current world climate and water crisis. If we are to save the planet, it begins with you and (I)...one drop at a time.
- Runtime2 minutes
- CountryIndiana, USA
- DirectorJim Hall