“RIZO” tells the story of an Afro-Latina actress, Cristina, who struggles with her natural hair during a busy day of auditions. She spends the day attempting to fit into a Hollywood-esque "Latina" beauty standard in hopes of booking a role, while her best friend encourages her to write and produce her own material instead. Cristina refuses to do so, instead focusing her attention on an upcoming "big break" audition. Her hopes are disrupted, however, when the audition takes a turn for the worse.
- Year2020
- Runtime15 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, Spanish
- CountryUSA
- PremiereSan Diego Premiere
- RatingUR
- DirectorJeanette Dilone
- ScreenwriterJeanette Dilone
- ProducerJeanette Dilone, Andrew McLaren
- CastLaura Guzman, Jocelyn Marie, Rina Mejia, Molly Densmore, Taylor Petracek, Stephanie Chloe, Tom Burka, Maricelis Galanes, Robert Douthat, Johnny Cortes, Jeanette Dilone, Liana Santana
- CinematographerFrank Juarez
- EditorTaylor Petraek
- Sound DesignChristopher Woll
“RIZO” tells the story of an Afro-Latina actress, Cristina, who struggles with her natural hair during a busy day of auditions. She spends the day attempting to fit into a Hollywood-esque "Latina" beauty standard in hopes of booking a role, while her best friend encourages her to write and produce her own material instead. Cristina refuses to do so, instead focusing her attention on an upcoming "big break" audition. Her hopes are disrupted, however, when the audition takes a turn for the worse.
- Year2020
- Runtime15 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, Spanish
- CountryUSA
- PremiereSan Diego Premiere
- RatingUR
- DirectorJeanette Dilone
- ScreenwriterJeanette Dilone
- ProducerJeanette Dilone, Andrew McLaren
- CastLaura Guzman, Jocelyn Marie, Rina Mejia, Molly Densmore, Taylor Petracek, Stephanie Chloe, Tom Burka, Maricelis Galanes, Robert Douthat, Johnny Cortes, Jeanette Dilone, Liana Santana
- CinematographerFrank Juarez
- EditorTaylor Petraek
- Sound DesignChristopher Woll