Expired April 23, 2022 6:59 AM
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Six members of the Deaf community recall the fear that gripped Britain during the COVID-19 crisis, and give an insight into how the pandemic and lockdown affected their lives.

[Poster image description: A film poster for the film “Summer in Lockdown.“ The poster shows a collage of pictures with six different people with different expressions and gestures. The rest of the pictures are a person putting on a mask, a group of people kneeling, a circle with footprints for social distancing, a door window with a rainbow sign, bare store shelves, and an empty city street. On the bottom, text: “Summer in Lockdown.” “Summer in” is in white and “Lockdown” is in black and underlined. Underneath is white text with production credits. On either side of the production credits are two logos for Drummer and BSL Zone.]

[Movie still image description: A photograph showing a smiling woman holding a young infant in her arm as the man looks on smiling. The baby looks at the man, confused.]

  • Runtime
    28 minutes
  • Language
    British Sign Language, English
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Rating
  • Director
    Cathy Heffernan
  • Producer
    Cathy Heffernan