Expired April 23, 2022 6:59 AM
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For over thirty years, Linda Bove played Linda the Librarian, a beloved character on Sesame Street. As one of the first Deaf characters regularly appearing on television, she introduced millions of children to sign language.

In this short documentary, Linda discusses her Italian American heritage, her journey to the theater, and her involvement in the longest-running children’s program in American history. Her contributions to the production of Sesame Street encouraged acceptance and understanding of the Deaf community to generations of kids.

[Poster image description: A film poster for the film “Linda Bove, Linda from Sesame Street.“ In the middle, a row of brownstone buildings are shown as the neighborhood from Sesame Street. Green text in upper left corner: Linda Bove. Linda from Sesame Street.”]

[Movie still image description: A color photograph of Linda Bove showing her head and shoulders against a plain white background. LInda is a white woman with short brown curly hair and wearing a dark top under a dark sweater. She smiles as she leans to the side.]

  • Year
  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Rating
    Family Friendly
  • Director
    John Peter Didato
  • Producer
    Frank Campagna, John Peter Didato
  • Cast
    Linda Bove