Presented by Fullscreen
Berkowitz is an adult animated sitcom about four self-centered shrinks who help everyone with their flaws, while being completely blind to their own. Centered around Dr. Norman Berkowitz, a talented, yet neurotic therapist, who takes the petty annoyances of everyday life and blows them completely out of proportion.
Screening in the Digital Shorts Series presented by Fullscreen
- Runtime14 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorCasey Skinner
- ScreenwriterCasey Skinner
- ProducerCasey Skinner, Guy Malim
- CastCasey Skinner, Myq Kaplan, Vanessa Johnston , Joshua Adam Meyers
Presented by Fullscreen
Berkowitz is an adult animated sitcom about four self-centered shrinks who help everyone with their flaws, while being completely blind to their own. Centered around Dr. Norman Berkowitz, a talented, yet neurotic therapist, who takes the petty annoyances of everyday life and blows them completely out of proportion.
Screening in the Digital Shorts Series presented by Fullscreen
- Runtime14 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorCasey Skinner
- ScreenwriterCasey Skinner
- ProducerCasey Skinner, Guy Malim
- CastCasey Skinner, Myq Kaplan, Vanessa Johnston , Joshua Adam Meyers