Bite-sized encounters packed with a punch, Hot Snacks is a sketch comedy series that explores the awkward relationships between a gaggle of millennials living in Jersey City. The series follows a handful of characters, some recurring throughout the season: a spiritual roommate, a woman who seems to always have dating issues, and a meek people-pleaser. As each character faces everyday challenges, they are sure to be met with strange incongruities that get the better of them.
- Year2021
- Runtime9 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States of America
- PremiereColorado Premiere
- DirectorAnna Mae Gordon, M. Louis Gordon
- ScreenwriterJulia McGarry
- ProducerAnna Mae Gordon
- FilmmakerAnna Mae Gordon, Julia McGarry, M. Louis Gordon
- CastAnna Mae Gordon, Elizabeth Baker, Margie Zarcone, Qado, Curtis Brauner
Bite-sized encounters packed with a punch, Hot Snacks is a sketch comedy series that explores the awkward relationships between a gaggle of millennials living in Jersey City. The series follows a handful of characters, some recurring throughout the season: a spiritual roommate, a woman who seems to always have dating issues, and a meek people-pleaser. As each character faces everyday challenges, they are sure to be met with strange incongruities that get the better of them.
- Year2021
- Runtime9 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States of America
- PremiereColorado Premiere
- DirectorAnna Mae Gordon, M. Louis Gordon
- ScreenwriterJulia McGarry
- ProducerAnna Mae Gordon
- FilmmakerAnna Mae Gordon, Julia McGarry, M. Louis Gordon
- CastAnna Mae Gordon, Elizabeth Baker, Margie Zarcone, Qado, Curtis Brauner