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Stream begins May 4, 2024 1:31 AM UTC
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This virtual screening is eligible for the SeriesFest: Season 7 Audience Award presented by Xfinity. The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

In the year 2124 things are as bad as they've ever been: robot sex tapes are headline news, the pacific garbage island has just declared independence from the United States, and worst of all, lava bubbling up in L.A. has made traffic a real nightmare. The Earth's richest citizens are all packing up and immigrating to the Mars colony, and everybody else is left scrapping over insect burgers. Massively powerful corporate entities are the douchebags calling the shots as they struggle to maintain an image of normalcy for an increasingly unstable public. Vee Kingston, a freelance journalist with a tremendous social following, is on a mission to bring the truth to the people and stand up to the machine. Armed with only a neural taser and an endless reservoir of F-bombs, if she survives long enough, she just might live up to her catchphrase and "burn this fucker down.

United States | Comedy | 20m | World Premiere |


Kevin Gillese


Arlen Konopaki


Kevin Gillese, Sean Paulsen


Kevin Gillese


Jamila Porter, Henry Zebrowski, Tyler Mane, Mark Meer, Amber Nash