Expired September 21, 2020 6:45 AM
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The People Who Suspend is an exploration of the world of body suspension. The people who practice this are just as unique as the ways they practice it. In one part of the world people are experiencing it in an isolated place in the rain forest, and another it is part of a stage performance in front of a live audience. Some people obsess over making suspension as safe as possible, while others take the experience to life threatening extremes.


The director Lukas Larson began traveling the world meeting and suspending in all the unique ways people practice this ancient ritual. This film contains footage from decades of suspensions before he was even aware of the practice, as well as his personal account of suspending with these people across ten countries over the course of a year.

  • Runtime
    97 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Lukas Larson