San Francisco Documentary Festival 2023

26.2 to Life + Q&A

Expired June 12, 2023 6:59 AM
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OPENING NIGHT FILM Filmed inside California’s oldest state prison, 26.2 to Life explores the transformative power of San Quentin’s 1000 Mile Club, in which incarcerated men train for and run a marathon on the dirt and concrete path circling the prison yard. Through intimate access behind the walls of the infamous correctional facility, the film confronts the meaning of personal transformation within the greater crisis of the American carceral state.

**Filmmakers and subjects in attendance for Q&A, followed by an after party at 518 Valencia.**

  • Runtime
    90 minutes
  • Country
  • Director
    Christine Yoo
  • Producer
    Christine Yoo, Carolyn Mao, Sara Jane Sluke, Hella Winston, Zahava Hirsch
  • Executive Producer
    Dexter Braff, Jennifer M. Kroot, Andrew Bishop, Brian O’Reilly, Frank Connelly, Robert Holgate, Crispy
  • Cinematographer
    Cliff Traiman
  • Editor
    Marcos Moro