San Francisco Green Fest 2022

Shorts 2: The Circle of Life – Animals & Wildlife (plus Q&A)

Expired April 25, 2022 6:59 AM
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9 films in package
Team Lioness - Kenya's All-Female Anti-Poaching Unit
In Amboseli National Park, Kenya, a small group of Maasai women were chosen to be rangers. Known as Team Lioness, the women patrol the surrounding bushland daily, looking for injured animals and poachers.
Diversified: The Florida Panther Story
Genetic bottlenecking has plagued the Florida panthers since the early 1980s. To counteract this problem the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission created the Florida Panther Project. Their goal was to introduce new genes into the Florida panther's gene pool to diversify the species and save them from extinction.
Elk in Paradise: Rancher, Ecologist, Hunter
Elk in Paradise tells the story of migratory elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the ranchers they depend on.
Hello, are we in the show?
Hello, are we in the show? is a poetic animation film that uses the formal language of a nature documentary. The film offers us a glimpse of daily life in the Sonian Forest near Brussels, and shows us the fauna and flora without disguising the influence of city and people.
The Circle of Life
In Singapore the Oriental Pied Hornbill is so widespread, that it is hard to believe they only recolonised this tiny island city state recently. The popular hornbill is well adapted to the urban environment. Yet, the increasing reports of their nest predation behavior are shifting the public perception of this urban icon.
To the Bone
An Ozarks naturalist and bowhunter reflects on a recent animal harvest as he ponders the Cycle of Life.
Closed captions available
Wildlife in Our Backyard
It is often said that we must tolerate wildlife, but what happens if we learn to thrive with them instead?
With Care
In the middle of the winter, surrounded by snow, three grey-haired men from the villages of Brändön and Örarna, in the far north of Sweden, feed the local deer so that the animals will survive the harsh conditions.
Shorts 2 The Circle of Life Q&A

Elk in Paradise tells the story of migratory elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the ranchers they depend on.

The ancient pathways of elk are the lynchpin of the GYE and their habitat spans both public and private lands. The rancher, ecologist, and hunter agree that the private working lands of the GYE provide essential habitat for the migratory species we love.

But from forage loss to the threat of brucellosis, providing this habitat brings costs to the rancher. Increasing population density and development also represent serious threats for the elk, ranchers, and broader ecosystem.

To conserve big game migrations it must make economic sense for the landowners that provide much of the habitat. By incorporating market mechanisms and entrepreneurship to align incentives to conserve habitat, we can make wildlife an economic asset, or at least less of a burden, instead of a liability.

This film explores how we can bring together different stakeholders in a new era of cooperation to conserve these critical migratory pathways.

  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Holly Fretwell