With their lives unraveling around them, three Mexican American sisters reunite, after years of estrangement, to complete their beloved grandmother’s pilgrimage through rural Mexico. With no hiking experience, little reception, and an old map, the sisters walk the sacred trail to Talpa de Allende and find help along the way from Kin (Cristo Fernández, Ted Lasso), a local with a dark past. They must work together through their differences in order to reach the end and find their miracle. "Familia, Tequila and Miracles"
Join the filmmakers and fest goers at the after party at Kilowatt, right across the street from the Roxie, featuring live music by Rabbit, La Somba and Xoce Roman. Plus DJs Kumbia Dark.
Admission included with ticket stub until 9pm.
- Runtime100 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorMar Novo
With their lives unraveling around them, three Mexican American sisters reunite, after years of estrangement, to complete their beloved grandmother’s pilgrimage through rural Mexico. With no hiking experience, little reception, and an old map, the sisters walk the sacred trail to Talpa de Allende and find help along the way from Kin (Cristo Fernández, Ted Lasso), a local with a dark past. They must work together through their differences in order to reach the end and find their miracle. "Familia, Tequila and Miracles"
Join the filmmakers and fest goers at the after party at Kilowatt, right across the street from the Roxie, featuring live music by Rabbit, La Somba and Xoce Roman. Plus DJs Kumbia Dark.
Admission included with ticket stub until 9pm.
- Runtime100 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorMar Novo