Exploring the life and work of Klever, a renowned non-conformist artist, who was persecuted by the Soviet Union for his forbidden paintings. Features interviews with artists and historians speaking to Klever’s legacy and impact on Russian art movements, and examines how his work transformed from reactionary to abstract as a result of his persecution and imprisonment by the Soviet state.
- Runtime11 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorNik Kleverov
Exploring the life and work of Klever, a renowned non-conformist artist, who was persecuted by the Soviet Union for his forbidden paintings. Features interviews with artists and historians speaking to Klever’s legacy and impact on Russian art movements, and examines how his work transformed from reactionary to abstract as a result of his persecution and imprisonment by the Soviet state.
- Runtime11 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorNik Kleverov