Luca, a freshly graduated psychologist looking for ideas for his first scientific publication, during a walk out of town with some friends, accidentally meets a strange creature: a young girl completely naked and dirty from head to toe, who lives like an animal in the forest. The girl can't speak and doesn't seem to understand anything she is told. Luca, moved by compassion but with the idea of using this creature for his scientific thesis, decides to help her, while keeping her hidden from everyone, and try to introduce her to civilization, teaching her to behave like a human being, with poor results. The girl is fascinated by the young psychologist and soon falls in love with him. The two become closer and closer, going well beyond the doctor/patient relationship, spending most of their time together. Until Luca one day, in the shade of a waterfall in the woods, indulges in a sexual relationship with the wild girl. The boy comes out shaken and disturbed by this experience. Especially by himself, for his choices, and his principles, which begin to waver.
- Runtime30 minutes
- CountryItaly
- DirectorGiovanni Battista Bacilieri
Luca, a freshly graduated psychologist looking for ideas for his first scientific publication, during a walk out of town with some friends, accidentally meets a strange creature: a young girl completely naked and dirty from head to toe, who lives like an animal in the forest. The girl can't speak and doesn't seem to understand anything she is told. Luca, moved by compassion but with the idea of using this creature for his scientific thesis, decides to help her, while keeping her hidden from everyone, and try to introduce her to civilization, teaching her to behave like a human being, with poor results. The girl is fascinated by the young psychologist and soon falls in love with him. The two become closer and closer, going well beyond the doctor/patient relationship, spending most of their time together. Until Luca one day, in the shade of a waterfall in the woods, indulges in a sexual relationship with the wild girl. The boy comes out shaken and disturbed by this experience. Especially by himself, for his choices, and his principles, which begin to waver.
- Runtime30 minutes
- CountryItaly
- DirectorGiovanni Battista Bacilieri