Personhood is accompanied by a special livestream with the filmmakers on Oct. 2 at 7pm PDT.
Please visit SJFF's Facebook Live page on Oct. 2 at 7pm PDT to watch this special discussion event at Social Justice Film Festival 2020. Each live Q&A/panel in the festival streams on SJFF's Facebook Live page, and will then be archived there for future viewing. Need an extra reminder? RSVP on Facebook!
No password is required to view panel discussions this year, but donations are always welcome. Festival tickets and passes you purchase benefit both Social Justice Film Festival and Northwest Film Forum!
There is a growing system of laws in America that criminalize and police pregnant women. Join Personhood filmmakers for a discussion of the process and challenges of creating a documentary that brings these laws to light.
Personhood is accompanied by a special livestream with the filmmakers on Oct. 2 at 7pm PDT.
Please visit SJFF's Facebook Live page on Oct. 2 at 7pm PDT to watch this special discussion event at Social Justice Film Festival 2020. Each live Q&A/panel in the festival streams on SJFF's Facebook Live page, and will then be archived there for future viewing. Need an extra reminder? RSVP on Facebook!
No password is required to view panel discussions this year, but donations are always welcome. Festival tickets and passes you purchase benefit both Social Justice Film Festival and Northwest Film Forum!
There is a growing system of laws in America that criminalize and police pregnant women. Join Personhood filmmakers for a discussion of the process and challenges of creating a documentary that brings these laws to light.