At its heart, “The Water Queen” is a superhero origin story that tells the tale of a young woman setting out to save her brother who’s suffering from severe dehydration. After many desperate pleas and attempts to find water for her brother, she taps into her Indigenous roots and is magically transported to a verdant, parallel universe, where she learns how to summon the power of nature and bring water back to her parched world.
- Runtime17 minutes
- CountrySouth Africa
- DirectorLungelo Mdlalose
- ProducerNoni Flatela, Lungelo Mdlalose
- CinematographerLungelo Mdlalose
- EditorAlfonso Solis
At its heart, “The Water Queen” is a superhero origin story that tells the tale of a young woman setting out to save her brother who’s suffering from severe dehydration. After many desperate pleas and attempts to find water for her brother, she taps into her Indigenous roots and is magically transported to a verdant, parallel universe, where she learns how to summon the power of nature and bring water back to her parched world.
- Runtime17 minutes
- CountrySouth Africa
- DirectorLungelo Mdlalose
- ProducerNoni Flatela, Lungelo Mdlalose
- CinematographerLungelo Mdlalose
- EditorAlfonso Solis