Ben, a struggling filmmaker, lives in Berkeley, California, with his girlfriend, Miko, who works for a local Asian American film festival. When he’s not managing an art house movie theater as his day job, Ben spends his time obsessing over unavailable blond women, watching Criterion Collection DVDs, and eating in diners with his best friend, Alice, a queer grad student with a serial dating habit. When Miko moves to New York for an internship, Ben is left to his own devices and begins to explore what he thinks he might want.
Cleverly and precisely scripted by Adrian Tomine (based on his own acclaimed graphic novel of the same title), the delightful Shortcomings is Randall Park’s assured directorial debut. Exposing a multiplicity of Asian American identities in a fresh and groundbreaking way, the film is poised to challenge audiences with its protagonist Ben — who is cynical and snobbish with a dash of charm — gamely played by Justin H. Min. With wit, humor, and a deep understanding of being an outsider within a marginalized community, Shortcomings embraces the complexity of being human, flaws and all.
Available in person and online.
This film offers Audio Description. For in-person screenings, please submit an accommodation request to arrange for an audio description device at your screening time/location. This assists our Accessibility team with ensuring enough devices are available.
- Year2022
- Runtime92 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorRandall Park
- ScreenwriterAdrian Tomine
- ProducerMargot Hand,Randall Park,Hieu Ho,Jennifer Berman,Howard Cohen,Eric d’Arbeloff,Michael Golamco
- Executive ProducerRyan Heller ,Michael Bloom,Jennifer Semler,Maria Zuckerman ,Tim Headington,Lia Buman,Max Silva ,Neil Shah,Ryan Paine,Daniel Hank ,Adrian Tomine
- CastJacob Batalon,Timothy Simons
- EditorRobert Nassau
- Production DesignBill Boes
Ben, a struggling filmmaker, lives in Berkeley, California, with his girlfriend, Miko, who works for a local Asian American film festival. When he’s not managing an art house movie theater as his day job, Ben spends his time obsessing over unavailable blond women, watching Criterion Collection DVDs, and eating in diners with his best friend, Alice, a queer grad student with a serial dating habit. When Miko moves to New York for an internship, Ben is left to his own devices and begins to explore what he thinks he might want.
Cleverly and precisely scripted by Adrian Tomine (based on his own acclaimed graphic novel of the same title), the delightful Shortcomings is Randall Park’s assured directorial debut. Exposing a multiplicity of Asian American identities in a fresh and groundbreaking way, the film is poised to challenge audiences with its protagonist Ben — who is cynical and snobbish with a dash of charm — gamely played by Justin H. Min. With wit, humor, and a deep understanding of being an outsider within a marginalized community, Shortcomings embraces the complexity of being human, flaws and all.
Available in person and online.
This film offers Audio Description. For in-person screenings, please submit an accommodation request to arrange for an audio description device at your screening time/location. This assists our Accessibility team with ensuring enough devices are available.
- Year2022
- Runtime92 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorRandall Park
- ScreenwriterAdrian Tomine
- ProducerMargot Hand,Randall Park,Hieu Ho,Jennifer Berman,Howard Cohen,Eric d’Arbeloff,Michael Golamco
- Executive ProducerRyan Heller ,Michael Bloom,Jennifer Semler,Maria Zuckerman ,Tim Headington,Lia Buman,Max Silva ,Neil Shah,Ryan Paine,Daniel Hank ,Adrian Tomine
- CastJacob Batalon,Timothy Simons
- EditorRobert Nassau
- Production DesignBill Boes