Expired October 8, 2022 4:00 AM
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11 films in package
Where are the Files?
Where are the files?
Empire of My Melodious Mind
In the space of a moment, inside a cabinet, perception embarks on an epic journey through the terrain of memories that form the identity of an American born Asian.
Everybody Goes to the Hospital
Based on her mother’s experience of getting an emergency appendectomy in 1963, Tiffany Kimmel’s EVERYBODY GOES TO THE HOSPITAL is a haunting stop-motion animated incision into childhood trauma, interpreted with a poet’s eye.
May We Know Our Own Strength
‘May We Know Our Own Strength’ is an abstract, hybrid narrative document centered around artist Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya’s similarly-titled piece exploring collective healing after sexual assault within AAPI communities, created tragically in the wake of the March 2021 Atlanta spa shootings.
Among the People
Colour-medicine and synaesthesia, in watercolors. A visualization of the original piano composition by Natalie Trayling.
A love story with the future kaleidoscopes in a cosmic twin encounter.
Omnipotent Glow
In many ways, this video is almost a letter from the future and from the perspective of maybe an artificial intelligence helping humans remember what has happened to their world.
When a young mother moves into 8th street, Jersey City, NJ, she learns about the value of the community and how her own perception determines her own experiences.
The first-person journey through a canyon from dawn to dusk, following a trail of ants.
land and flower
land and flower is a short film and eulogy of the tallgrass prairie landscape made in remembrance of the lands lost and the flowers that remain.
More Than I Want To Remember
Mugeni’s story starts in a small village in southeastern Congo called Murambya, a Banyamulenge farming community where neighbors provided for one another. One night, when she was just fourteen, Mugeni and her family awake to the sounds of bombs—they are under attack by a militia known as the Mai Mai, who sought their land and cattle and claimed that the Banyamulenge tribe did not belong in southeastern Congo.

In the space of a moment, inside a cabinet, perception embarks on an epic journey through the terrain of memories that form the identity of an American born Asian.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    9 minutes
  • Language
    English, Cantonese
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Rating
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Jeannette Louie
  • Producer
    Jeannette Louie