Expired December 8, 2020 4:59 AM
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5 films in package
A student falls ill during the COVID-19 outbreak. His parents then have to live with someone who may have the virus they've been sheltering from.
Long Haul 100
What does it mean to push your body to its limits? The Long Haul 100 follows Katie Rozar on her training and race journey to run a 100 mile ultra marathon for the first time. Katie approaches running from a scientific angle, turning her training into an equation to test her mental and physical abilities. As the race begins to weigh on her we see there is no perfect calculation but the drive to finish and a strong support system.
Every Body Dances
This intimate portrait of a weeklong integrated dance workshop for older adults explores how mixed abilities can create new forms. Echoing the central theme of expanding access to the arts, the film uses universal design standards to reach diverse audiences by including audio description for the visually impaired along with the option of English captions for the hearing impaired or subtitles for Spanish speakers. [Captions available in English and Spanish.] ___ Este retrato íntimo de un taller de baile integrado de una semana para adultos mayores explora cómo las habilidades mixtas pueden crear nuevas formas. Haciendo eco del tema central de expandir el acceso a las artes, la película utiliza estándares de diseño universal para llegar a audiencias diversas al incluir una descripción de audio para los discapacitados visuales junto con la opción de subtítulos en inglés para los discapacitados auditivos o subtítulos para hispanohablantes. [Subtítulos disponibles en inglés y español.]
Closed captions available
Viper Virus History in the Making
A historical event was taking place in South Florida and throughout the world, the Covid 19 Pandemic, the Viper Virus. I wanted to know how people were coping with this virus, what people were thinking and how this was affecting their lives. Because of the virus, Fort Lauderdale closed their beach during spring break. I had to record this historic event and began videotaping in Fort Lauderdale and throughout the area. Thinking this virus would be over soon, I taped as much as I could, deserted streets, closed businesses, it didn't end. Everything was changing rapidly on a daily basis that affected all of us...masks, quarantine, and social distancing. I was able to get important interviews virtually and continued recording this event through our nations birthday, July 4, 2020. But had the virus ended? It was affecting each person in a different way. It was changing our world. People were concerned and scared. We were now living in a virtual world. What does the future hold? Witness the changes as you watch VIPER VIRUS, History in the Making.
Let's Talk About It
Erectile Dysfunction... over a billion men have it, and NO ONE talks about it. So, let's talk about It. The goal of submitting this film to festivals, and crossing our fingers that we'll get selected to festivals that are able to hold some kind of in-person events or virtual Q&A's, is to reach men suffering from ED -- and their partners -- and implore them to volunteer to be interviewed on camera. We need real, honest accounts of how it negatively affects their relationships, their self esteem, and their lives in general. We want to develop this film into a feature, and the most important component of it will be these on-camera accounts. We can help so many men and their partners. We just need a platform.
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A historical event was taking place in South Florida and throughout the world, the Covid 19 Pandemic, the Viper Virus. I wanted to know how people were coping with this virus, what people were thinking and how this was affecting their lives. Because of the virus, Fort Lauderdale closed their beach during spring break. I had to record this historic event and began videotaping in Fort Lauderdale and throughout the area. Thinking this virus would be over soon, I taped as much as I could, deserted streets, closed businesses, it didn't end. Everything was changing rapidly on a daily basis that affected all of us...masks, quarantine, and social distancing. I was able to get important interviews virtually and continued recording this event through our nations birthday, July 4, 2020. But had the virus ended? It was affecting each person in a different way. It was changing our world. People were concerned and scared. We were now living in a virtual world. What does the future hold? Witness the changes as you watch VIPER VIRUS, History in the Making.

  • Runtime
    21 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Celeste Locante Thorson
  • Screenwriter
    Celeste Locante Thorson
  • Producer
    Celeste Locante Thorson