In the haunting landscapes of Sri Lanka, Prathi unfolds a psychological drama that blurs the lines between the supernatural and the human psyche. When a young girl experiences mental trauma following harassment, her elders mistakenly attribute it to an evil spirit targeting unmarried women. As her concerned grandmother delves deeper into the belief of a malevolent presence, the film takes a chilling turn. In the second half, the granddaughter's journey to salvation through a priest unravels disturbing memories of past harassment. Prathi becomes a thought-provoking exploration of faith exploitation, generational disparities in mental health awareness, and the overlooked issue of public transport harassment, ultimately revealing the indomitable strength of the human spirit.
- Year2024
- Runtime13 minutes
- LanguageSinhala
- CountrySri Lanka
- PremiereNorth America Premiere
- DirectorNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe
- ScreenwriterNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe
- ProducerNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe, Goethe Institut Sri Lanka and Pakistan
- CastAyudhya Gajanayake, Nethalie Nanayakkara, Anjalee Liyanage, Uditha Liyanage
In the haunting landscapes of Sri Lanka, Prathi unfolds a psychological drama that blurs the lines between the supernatural and the human psyche. When a young girl experiences mental trauma following harassment, her elders mistakenly attribute it to an evil spirit targeting unmarried women. As her concerned grandmother delves deeper into the belief of a malevolent presence, the film takes a chilling turn. In the second half, the granddaughter's journey to salvation through a priest unravels disturbing memories of past harassment. Prathi becomes a thought-provoking exploration of faith exploitation, generational disparities in mental health awareness, and the overlooked issue of public transport harassment, ultimately revealing the indomitable strength of the human spirit.
- Year2024
- Runtime13 minutes
- LanguageSinhala
- CountrySri Lanka
- PremiereNorth America Premiere
- DirectorNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe
- ScreenwriterNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe
- ProducerNarthanie Yasadi Serasinghe, Goethe Institut Sri Lanka and Pakistan
- CastAyudhya Gajanayake, Nethalie Nanayakkara, Anjalee Liyanage, Uditha Liyanage