Expired May 23, 2024 3:45 AM
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A nurse longs for her island in a cold, forbidding city. The ghosts of migrant laborers sing songs of lament and hope. A group of young people contemplate their relationship to their island. An island vampire exports life-sustaining home soil across the diaspora. Members of a family journey through blood-stained ancestral land. And a young father awaits word from his wife across the sea.

Kearra Amaya Gopee’s docu-fictional short Ca(r)milla considers the revisionist potential that lies within folkloric myth. For Gopee, myth is a storytelling mechanism teeming with possibility––it’s an oratory approach that invites us to reimagine our histories and rewrite our lineages in the face of coloniality. In Ca(r)milla, Gopee annotates the parable of the soucouyant, a blood-craving, vampiric figure typically rendered as an undesirable older woman in Trinidadian legends. https://thekitchen.org/on-screen/ca-r-milla/
  • Year
  • Runtime
    12 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Trinidad and Tobago
  • Genre
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Kearra Amaya Gopee
  • Cast
    Camilla Gopee, Ishara Agostini, Kearra Amaya Gopee
  • Editor
    Kearra Amaya Gopee
  • Sound Design