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The legacy of slavery lingers heavily in this nation. Activists, scholars, business leaders, and elected officials are now focused on the continuing social and economic implications of racial capitalism. Disparities in education, healthcare, criminal justice policy and current-day policing practices find their origins in systems that support slavery and continue to exploit and harm Black people through convict leasing, sharecropping, Jim Crow, redlining, and other policies of structural discrimination and exclusion, and mass criminalization and incarceration through policies such as the ”war on drugs.” Any dialogue about popular democracy must include the role of slavery and racism in shaping our nation. We invite you to join this dynamic group of thought leaders in a conversation to inform our vision to create a more equitable and just America.

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    United States
  • Cast
    Ibram X. Kendi, Boston University & Founding Director BU Center for Antiracist Research; Erika Alexander, Actress; Alderwoman Robin Sue Simmons; Ashleigh Gardere, Senior Advisor to PolicyLink President and CEO; Isaac McCoy, Educator, Professional Mentor, and Business Development Executive and Ade Oguntoye, Co-Founder, The Imperative Fund