Expired June 10, 2024 6:59 AM
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EYE+CANDY (80 min)

EYE+CANDY is a colorful program full of visually delectable shorts that will make you say ‘wow.’ Thought-provoking and a delight to the senses, these films balance fabulous style with serious substance.

CW: The film EDGE contains Sexually Explicit content

This film is at once a living archive/polytemporal memory bank and a love letter to my other selves. I consider the act of revisiting my personal archives a time travelling practice and incorporating this into my films is an exercise in making said practice legible to others.

"Atmospheric Arrivals" is about home and the (im)possibility of return. The "atmospheric arrival" captures a means of coming into being through memory and imagination; by reaching across spacetimes to "fetch" parts of the self that may exist in elsewheres.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    Canada, Lesotho, Ghana
  • Genre
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Ayo Tsalithaba