In the face of intense political rivalry and relentless media scrutiny, this film chronicles the extraordinary journey of Joanne Conte, an Italian immigrant's child who not only breaks barriers as the first elected transgender city council member in U.S. history but also fearlessly forges an enduring legacy as a soldier, activist, politician, and investigative journalist. Conte embodies a defiant spirit of resilience and unwavering commitment to public service.
- Year2023
- Runtime24 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- Content WarningTransphobia
- DirectorDaniel Leonard Bernardi
In the face of intense political rivalry and relentless media scrutiny, this film chronicles the extraordinary journey of Joanne Conte, an Italian immigrant's child who not only breaks barriers as the first elected transgender city council member in U.S. history but also fearlessly forges an enduring legacy as a soldier, activist, politician, and investigative journalist. Conte embodies a defiant spirit of resilience and unwavering commitment to public service.
- Year2023
- Runtime24 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- Content WarningTransphobia
- DirectorDaniel Leonard Bernardi