Expired October 8, 2024 10:59 PM
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7 films in package
I'm in Love with Mother Nature
A film created on mobile phones by a group of older LGBTQ+ people living in Ireland’s rural southwest. Together they reflect on changes they’ve witnessed and, on their lives now in their 60s, 70s and 80s.
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My Two Lives, Creative Response to the Holocaust
Lotte Weiss spent years in Auschwitz and Birkenau but somehow, her life force propelled her through the torture and devastation. Her remarkable story is interpreted by artist Thea Weiss.
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I Am Not OK
A mother and son respond to the killings of Black Americans amidst the protests following George Floyd’s murder. Tiffiney Davis’s words merge with the dancers' movements reflecting fear, outrage and anger. The need for communities to come together and find solutions emerges.
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A joyful band of dancers, body percussion artists and circus performers process through the streets of Montreal’s Little Burgundy. A story of (re)imagined homescapes in the mid-pandemic era.
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The Indigenous Peoples of what is now known as North and South Dakota have lived alongside The Missouri River for thousands of years. In dreams, Darline — a designer, activist, mother and grandmother — receives messages from another grandmother, the very River herself.
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As an older woman becomes more and more forgetful, her daughter uncovers stories of her mother's courage and tenacity. Words lose their meaning but one word - Sweetie - still has the power to connect them to each other.
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Us & In Between
In a care home where open-door policies, aimed at reducing risk, prevent any real sense of intimacy, Agnes and Eddie still manage to reignite their love. A romantic comedy-drama about chocolate puddings, interruptions, long-lost love.
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Love in later life, love in retrospect, love when it speaks its name. Finding the power to bring secrets to light, bear witness to the truth and demand that reparations are made.

Please select a title on the right to learn about each film included in this block.

A film created on mobile phones by a group of older LGBTQ+ people living in Ireland’s rural southwest. Together they reflect on changes they’ve witnessed and on their lives now in their 60s, 70s and 80s.

WOFFF connection: Documentary participants the queer women. Director Toma McCullim 

  • Year
  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Country
  • Genre
  • Director
    Toma McCullim