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"Well-crafted artful documentaries that share intimate portraits of lives in struggle, sacrifice, and experimentation."

— Amanda Naseem, Shorts Programmer

runtime: 94 mins

These films have a pre-recorded Q&A with the filmmakers following the program..

Synopsis: It's almost a miracle Errol Isom has managed to survive this long without being locked up or killed. It's not an easy feat in St. Louis, which for the last five years has had the highest murder rate for any big city in America. The 29-year-old did his best to avoid the cycle of violence and incarceration that claimed so many of his friends and family (including his father), especially after the birth of his oldest son. But Errol got caught up in the drug game in 2018. Facing 20 years, he accepted a plea deal. This film is an intimate look at the last week before his sentencing. Errol must reconcile with himself and his mother as he spends his last few days with his two young sons trying to figure out what he can do when he gets out to give them a better chance.

Director's Bio: Danny Gold is a journalist and documentary filmmaker who has covered crime, conflict and politics across the world.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Danny Gold
  • Screenwriter
    Danny Gold
  • Producer
    Danny Gold, Julius "J" Erving
  • Executive Producer
    Julius "J" Erving, Dylan Brown, Cornell "Nelly" Haynes, Shawn Gee, Dylan Brown
  • Cinematographer
    Daniel Peters
  • Editor
    Lewis Rapkin
  • Composer
    Lewis Rapkin