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"Lyrical and authentic documentaries which share stories of those who are displaced, in limbo, or are motivated against the odds in order to see their families thrive."

— Amanda Naseem, Shorts Programmer

runtime: 92 mins

This film has a pre-recorded Q&A with the filmmakers following the program.

Synopsis: A character-driven, cinematic tale of deportation, migration, displacement, and opportunistic capitalism, CALL CENTER BLUES follows four characters as they struggle to make sense of their lives in Tijuana. Each with a vastly different story, they are all linked by their displacement and their sole choice of call center work that they have in a country which is so unfamiliar and oftentimes frightening, yet other times a ray of hope. Tijuana becomes their home, a place defined by the border yet defiant towards it, a no man's land where everything and everyone feels transient. These characters paint a picture of love, loss, and longing— for home, for an American Dream deferred, and for justice.

Director's Bio: Geeta Gandbhir is a documentary film director and editor who has been nominated for six Emmy Awards, winning four. Her films have been nominated twice for Academy Awards, winning once, and have also won four Peabody Awards. Some of her credits include WHY WE HATE, I AM EVIDENCE, ARMED WITH FAITH, and A JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES: PEACEKEEPERS.

Film Website:

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    New York Premiere
  • Director
    Geeta Gandbhir
  • Producer
    Jessica Devaney
  • Executive Producer
    Ryan Chanatry, Anna Holmes, Gena Konstantinakos
  • Cinematographer
    Asad Faruqi
  • Editor
    Viridiana Lieberman
  • Composer
    Laura Heinzinger