Expired February 26, 2024 7:59 AM
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This family-friendly session showcases several shorts curated for kids and adults alike.

A shoal of herrings, adopting fantastic formations, roams the vast ocean. When seagulls suddenly attack, one small herring is stranded in a tidal pool. As it searches desperately for a way out, it discovers many other sea creatures here. And now there is no time for fear: only by joining forces can they hope to defend themselves against the hungry seagull.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Country
  • Awards
    2023 Caramel Audience Award, Animatou; 2023 Young Audience Award, Festival Silhouette; 2023 Best Original Score, San Diego International Kids‘ Film Festival, USA
  • Note
  • Social Media
  • Filmmaker
    Lena von Döhren and Eva Rust