Expired November 28, 2021 11:00 PM
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26 films in package
Welcome From Director, John David Ware
Gift of Grace
For Grace, salvation is black and white.
End Times/Mark of the Beast Block
Castaways learn how to survive.
An astronaut’s daughter is separated from her father by an accident in space.
A former US Marshall is asked for mercy by the fugitive who lost him his badge.
Super Christian
Super mistakes mean super adventures.
A husband learns his new neighbor's murderous past includes his own family.
Washed Up
Egotistical ambition threatens a washed-up movie star’s reunion with his daughter.
Die Tur (The Door)
A single father struggles to choose between his daughter and selfishness.
CRAFT OF HOLLYWOOD (PT II) with Luke Schelhaas, Writer/Producer "Outlander"
What is it like in today's TV writer's room? For a Christian?
An angry man's conscience haunts him in the form of a stuffed bunny.
Good News?
The gospel according to an atheist.
Skywatch: The Duster of Doom
A clumsy janitor inherits control of a doomsday weapon.
An American tourist becomes the goat as he spoils a young African’s plans.
Bullied at school, an eight-year-old boy finds a new definition of power.
Remember Me
A girl's dark memories haunt her on a surreal journey to find her true identity.
The Making of Remember Me
BTS on "Remember Me"
Fin Del Año
A migrant worker and a “premie” colt, fight for their life together in America.
Stop Traffick
A midwestern mom scours Las Vegas looking for her young daughter.
A man dying of pancreatic cancer receives hope from 8-yr old girl.
The River
A family searches for their lost daughter in the deep woods.
After her father dies, a desperate stranger arrives on Amber’s isolated farm.
The Making of After
BTS on "After"
The Voice in the Wilderness
A heroic woodsman's son comes of age in the deep forest.
What Showers Bring
A barren woman is seated next to the perfect mom at the baby shower.
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A clumsy janitor inherits control of a doomsday weapon. BASED ON: Ephesians 1:17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. NIV. Speed Film.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    10;00 10;00
  • Language
  • Country
  • Rating
  • Note
    South Africa
  • Director
    John DeVries
  • Screenwriter
    John DeVries, Daniel Morcos, Kyle St John Peters
  • Producer
    John DeVries
  • Cast
    Kyle St John Peters, Scot Cooper, Grant Ross
  • Cinematographer
    Jonathan Benfield
  • Editor
    Matt Raubenheimer
  • Production Design
    Shar-Lee Jessica Nel
  • Sound Design
    John DeVries