Expired November 28, 2021 11:00 PM
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26 films in package
Welcome From Director, John David Ware
Gift of Grace
For Grace, salvation is black and white.
End Times/Mark of the Beast Block
Castaways learn how to survive.
An astronaut’s daughter is separated from her father by an accident in space.
A former US Marshall is asked for mercy by the fugitive who lost him his badge.
Super Christian
Super mistakes mean super adventures.
A husband learns his new neighbor's murderous past includes his own family.
Washed Up
Egotistical ambition threatens a washed-up movie star’s reunion with his daughter.
Die Tur (The Door)
A single father struggles to choose between his daughter and selfishness.
CRAFT OF HOLLYWOOD (PT II) with Luke Schelhaas, Writer/Producer "Outlander"
What is it like in today's TV writer's room? For a Christian?
An angry man's conscience haunts him in the form of a stuffed bunny.
Good News?
The gospel according to an atheist.
Skywatch: The Duster of Doom
A clumsy janitor inherits control of a doomsday weapon.
An American tourist becomes the goat as he spoils a young African’s plans.
Bullied at school, an eight-year-old boy finds a new definition of power.
Remember Me
A girl's dark memories haunt her on a surreal journey to find her true identity.
The Making of Remember Me
BTS on "Remember Me"
Fin Del Año
A migrant worker and a “premie” colt, fight for their life together in America.
Stop Traffick
A midwestern mom scours Las Vegas looking for her young daughter.
A man dying of pancreatic cancer receives hope from 8-yr old girl.
The River
A family searches for their lost daughter in the deep woods.
After her father dies, a desperate stranger arrives on Amber’s isolated farm.
The Making of After
BTS on "After"
The Voice in the Wilderness
A heroic woodsman's son comes of age in the deep forest.
What Showers Bring
A barren woman is seated next to the perfect mom at the baby shower.
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Egotistical ambition threatens a washed-up movie star’s reunion with his daughter. BASED ON: Mark 5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” NIV. Write of Passage.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Rating
  • Note
    No one is beyond rehab!
  • Director
    Jason Walter Vaile
  • Screenwriter
    Jason Walter Vaile, Mark Blitch
  • Producer
    Mark Blitch
  • Executive Producer
    Tim Powell
  • Co-Producer
    Mark Blitch, Jason Walter Vaile, Danielle Wheeler, Brandon Carmichael
  • Filmmaker
    Code Red Pictures
  • Cast
    Todd Terry, Grace Powell, Taylor Brandt, Mark Blitch, Danielle Wheeler
  • Cinematographer
    Bobby Oei
  • Editor
    Mark Blitch
  • Production Design
    Jason Walter Vaile
  • Sound Design
    Vince Reynolds, J Sabin