Available in 17d 22h 45m 05s
Available October 7, 2024 4:00 PM UTC
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This set of shorts spotlights local city artists and highlights the voices of Atlanta.

Charlotte, a reserved but strong-willed college student, is having a terrible time at a party that her roommate Meredith dragged her to. She tries to drink her frustrations away with another beer but accidentally drops the bottle and it breaks. Aubrey, a quirky, out-going person, notices the commotion and offers to help. Aubrey helps clean up against Charlotte’s wishes and realizes she doesn’t want to be there either. Aubrey makes a split-second decision and asks Charlotte to leave the party with her. Charlotte reluctantly agrees and Aubrey takes her to a secret spot on a lake. Charlotte wonders if this will be a one-day friendship or possibly develop into something more?

  • Year
  • Runtime
    19 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    Georgia Premire
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Luke Baker
  • Screenwriter
    Luke Baker
  • Producer
    Amaya Moure, Luke Baker, Corey Grispo
  • Cast
    Piper Verbrick: "Charlotte", Sam Clifford: "Aubrey", Riya Ramaswamy: "Meredith"
  • Cinematographer
    Corey Grispo
  • Sound Design
    Melissa Cruz
  • Music
    Hope Waidley