Gather round campers and sing the songs of quarantine – like a melancholy mixtape, these shorts just get it. Whether crafted in the "before times" or during all of this, these films understand the loneliness, levity, grief, and even the unexpected laughs of isolation.
One or more films within this block contain content that may be triggering to some viewers. To view a full list of trigger warnings, visit the following link (these warnings may contain spoilers): https://airtable.com/shriAkJ0UGrg5HKep
As Seolgi is lying on a grass field with friends, a shooting star falls, and dark, intrusive thoughts hit her. Her melancholy blooms into bright and colorful "flower people," dancing and wishing for a meteorite to end the world.
Sasha Lee is an animator based in Seoul, South Korea. In the name of Studio Sleeper, she directs and animates short films that explore the connection between humans, using dramatic motion and vibrant colors. During her free time, she writes idiosyncratic songs which make her happy.
- Year2020
- Runtime4 minutes
- LanguageKorean
- CountryUSA, South Korea
- DirectorSasha Lee
- ScreenwriterSasha Lee
- ProducerYejin Choi
- CastSasha Lee, Dawon Kim, June Cho
Gather round campers and sing the songs of quarantine – like a melancholy mixtape, these shorts just get it. Whether crafted in the "before times" or during all of this, these films understand the loneliness, levity, grief, and even the unexpected laughs of isolation.
One or more films within this block contain content that may be triggering to some viewers. To view a full list of trigger warnings, visit the following link (these warnings may contain spoilers): https://airtable.com/shriAkJ0UGrg5HKep
As Seolgi is lying on a grass field with friends, a shooting star falls, and dark, intrusive thoughts hit her. Her melancholy blooms into bright and colorful "flower people," dancing and wishing for a meteorite to end the world.
Sasha Lee is an animator based in Seoul, South Korea. In the name of Studio Sleeper, she directs and animates short films that explore the connection between humans, using dramatic motion and vibrant colors. During her free time, she writes idiosyncratic songs which make her happy.
- Year2020
- Runtime4 minutes
- LanguageKorean
- CountryUSA, South Korea
- DirectorSasha Lee
- ScreenwriterSasha Lee
- ProducerYejin Choi
- CastSasha Lee, Dawon Kim, June Cho