Gather round campers and sing the songs of quarantine – like a melancholy mixtape, these shorts just get it. Whether crafted in the "before times" or during all of this, these films understand the loneliness, levity, grief, and even the unexpected laughs of isolation.
One or more films within this block contain content that may be triggering to some viewers. To view a full list of trigger warnings, visit the following link (these warnings may contain spoilers): https://airtable.com/shriAkJ0UGrg5HKep
Undertakers wait on a family's final farewells as one son struggles to say goodbye to his dead father.
Julian Doan is a second-generation Vietnamese American filmmaker. He enjoys exploring the uncomfortable corners of our existence through awkward, yet heartfelt comedy. He was a semi-finalist in HBO's revival of Project Greenlight, and his entry was developed into the sentient zombie comedy digital series "Everyone I Love Is Dead". He is currently working on the editorial team of HBO's revival of "In Treatment" (and now sees a trend with HBO revivals). He loves the outdoors and looks forward to seeing a Vietnamese American film renaissance in his lifetime.
- Year2021
- Runtime8 minutes
- LanguageKorean, English
- CountryUSA
- DirectorJulian Doan
- ScreenwriterJulian Doan
- ProducerTurner Munch, Brianna Murphy
- CastRaymond Lee, Alexis Rhee, Joseph Lee, Gihee Hong, Harry Du Young, Molly Leland, Matt Kelly
Gather round campers and sing the songs of quarantine – like a melancholy mixtape, these shorts just get it. Whether crafted in the "before times" or during all of this, these films understand the loneliness, levity, grief, and even the unexpected laughs of isolation.
One or more films within this block contain content that may be triggering to some viewers. To view a full list of trigger warnings, visit the following link (these warnings may contain spoilers): https://airtable.com/shriAkJ0UGrg5HKep
Undertakers wait on a family's final farewells as one son struggles to say goodbye to his dead father.
Julian Doan is a second-generation Vietnamese American filmmaker. He enjoys exploring the uncomfortable corners of our existence through awkward, yet heartfelt comedy. He was a semi-finalist in HBO's revival of Project Greenlight, and his entry was developed into the sentient zombie comedy digital series "Everyone I Love Is Dead". He is currently working on the editorial team of HBO's revival of "In Treatment" (and now sees a trend with HBO revivals). He loves the outdoors and looks forward to seeing a Vietnamese American film renaissance in his lifetime.
- Year2021
- Runtime8 minutes
- LanguageKorean, English
- CountryUSA
- DirectorJulian Doan
- ScreenwriterJulian Doan
- ProducerTurner Munch, Brianna Murphy
- CastRaymond Lee, Alexis Rhee, Joseph Lee, Gihee Hong, Harry Du Young, Molly Leland, Matt Kelly