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This program include seven (7) short films! Please click through the films on the right to see details about each one.


Two students backpack into the Klamath Basin of Southern Oregon in search of the Pika and alpine trout. Armed with camera gear and fishing poles, they set out to explore the wilderness and all that resides in it.

Directors' Bio:

Kaden Swart and Zak Fletcher are two 21 year old's from Oregon. They explore the west, and both have immense passions for the environment and everything that it represents. Kaden Swart is an Environmental Science major with a love for every art that exits, and holds a strong creative freedom in everything that he captures. Zak Fletcher is a Business Major who has a strong passion for the wild, motorcycles, and surfing. He follows his passions in how recreation and the environment interconnect.  

  • Runtime
    8 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Rating
  • Note
    Southern Oregon University
  • Director
    Kaden Swart, Zak Fletcher
  • Executive Producer
    Zak Fletcher, Kaden Swart
  • Cinematographer
    Zak Fletcher, Kaden Swart