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A program filled with unexpected ideas, choices, feelings, actions, friendships and fears… For a taste of unusual characters and offbeat storytelling!

Lou, a queer Latina whose suppressed sexuality manifests as a magical being who’s sometimes a person and sometimes a cat, comes out to her boyfriend Sam mid-orgasm. Once that CAT is out of the bag, there’s nothing she can do to get it back in, and after a bewildering, wild fight, Sam leaves, taking the cat with him as a sort of hostage. After a few months apart, they meet at their favorite spot at Brighton Beach to play through an old ritual in exchange for the cat, and take a second crack at telling (and hearing) the truth. Meanwhile, CAT is having some relationship problems of their own…

About the Director:

Sarah Rattay-Maloney is a Los Angeles based freelance filmmaker and video artist. She is interested in the process of capturing and recapturing still and moving images, by utilizing outdated technology and unorthodox modes of transferring analogue images into digital formats. She is also a co-founder of Salty Bitch Productions, a femme film collective dedicated to telling stories by and about femme identifying folks. She strives to create radical visibility and opportunities in front of and behind the camera.

  • Runtime
    12 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    Northwest Premiere (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana)
  • Director
    Sarah Rattay-Maloney