Expired November 1, 2020 11:45 PM
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With no direct translation to English, ‘cynefin’ is a Welsh word rooted in the environment around you; highlighting that warm tingly feeling you get when you feel at peace, becoming one with nature. Join us in a dark room in Cardiff where everyone is welcome, and feel a sense of cynefin with us. This programme will take you around the world and back, showcasing films set in Hong Kong, Spain, and the gorgeous Irish countryside; depicting strangers' private moments at home and on their evening train commutes; and acting as a voyager to the past, present, and future.

In our age of attention scarcity, ‘On’ explores just where our gaze is falling. Take a curious and playful glimpse into both the connectedness and enduring loneliness of the modern condition, through this intimate and unexamined lens.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Jelena Sinik
  • Screenwriter
    Jelena Sinik
  • Producer
    Jelena Sinik