Expired November 1, 2020 11:45 PM
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With no direct translation to English, ‘cynefin’ is a Welsh word rooted in the environment around you; highlighting that warm tingly feeling you get when you feel at peace, becoming one with nature. Join us in a dark room in Cardiff where everyone is welcome, and feel a sense of cynefin with us. This programme will take you around the world and back, showcasing films set in Hong Kong, Spain, and the gorgeous Irish countryside; depicting strangers' private moments at home and on their evening train commutes; and acting as a voyager to the past, present, and future.

The Lighthouse is an animated micro-short that combines a number of unique styles and ideas from up-and-coming animation artists. The micro-short is only a few seconds long, but it is the result of months of work from animators across the UK, each of whom are developing their own craft through learning, freelancing or working in a studio.

The project will showcase a wide range of animation techniques, both in 2D and 3D animation, and celebrates collaboration between young and talented artists.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Producer
    Hollie Alexa Moxham
  • Animator
    Matt Kinahan, Flora Martyr, Arielle Stone, Peter Stringer, Sacha van Andel, Emma Wakley, Mads Bailey, Hollie Alexa Moxham, Millie Spouse, Haydn Spencer, Cheryl Parker, Sean Jones, Larisa Cleaver, Marco D'Anna, Paola Galinova Pencheva, Marcus Schirmer
  • Sound Design
    Tim Lieberman
  • Music
    Charles Spettigue