The short film MATAGI MĀLOHI : STRONG WINDS plays before the feature.
Watch a film. Get inspired. Make a difference.
Film changes lives. ACTNow inspires film-goers to become educated and respond immediately to certain films and social issues in a positive and proactive way, inviting social and environmental change. Post-film, when you're feeling inspired, participate in hands-on opportunities to become more educated and be a vehicle of change—sign petitions, volunteer, make a donation, and find out ways that YOU can make a difference.
Festival Director Jennifer Sfalcin welcomes you to the 2020 Crested Butte Film Festival
The short film MATAGI MĀLOHI : STRONG WINDS plays before the feature.
Watch a film. Get inspired. Make a difference.
Film changes lives. ACTNow inspires film-goers to become educated and respond immediately to certain films and social issues in a positive and proactive way, inviting social and environmental change. Post-film, when you're feeling inspired, participate in hands-on opportunities to become more educated and be a vehicle of change—sign petitions, volunteer, make a donation, and find out ways that YOU can make a difference.
Festival Director Jennifer Sfalcin welcomes you to the 2020 Crested Butte Film Festival