Filmmaker Nancy Buirski (The Loving Story, The Rape of Recy Taylor) tells the story of a lasting bond formed between an unjustly arrested Black man, Gary Duncan, and Richard Sobol, his young Jewish attorney. In 1966, 19-year-old Duncan faces the white supremacist court system in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, for daring to touch a white boy’s arm. Standing united, the pair takes Duncan’s case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight for the rights of all Americans to a fair trial.
- Year2020
- Runtime89 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorNancy Buirski
- ScreenwriterNancy Buirski
- ProducerNancy Buirski
- CastGary Duncan (subj), Richard Sobol (subj)
- CinematographerRex Miller
- EditorAnthony Ripoli
Filmmaker Nancy Buirski (The Loving Story, The Rape of Recy Taylor) tells the story of a lasting bond formed between an unjustly arrested Black man, Gary Duncan, and Richard Sobol, his young Jewish attorney. In 1966, 19-year-old Duncan faces the white supremacist court system in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, for daring to touch a white boy’s arm. Standing united, the pair takes Duncan’s case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight for the rights of all Americans to a fair trial.
- Year2020
- Runtime89 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- DirectorNancy Buirski
- ScreenwriterNancy Buirski
- ProducerNancy Buirski
- CastGary Duncan (subj), Richard Sobol (subj)
- CinematographerRex Miller
- EditorAnthony Ripoli