Expired August 26, 2024 3:45 AM
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Take an intimate look at portraits of people with interesting stories.

Up against a broken for-profit medical system, home birth midwife and educator Nubia Earth Martin is a visionary leader in the Birth Justice movement working tirelessly to create more opportunities and empower BIPOC mothers and families to safely give birth at home and support the midwives and birth workers who guide them along their sacred journey. We hear so many negative stories and news coverage of how Black mothers are dying, and that birth is dangerous and scary. The mothers and families who contributed to the film all had a desire to share a different perspective as one of our fore mothers and great-grandmothers who all successfully brought forth life in a beautiful way, so that we as their descendants, would be able to uplift these stories into the present day.

  • Year
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Katy Walker Mejia
  • Screenwriter
    Katy Walker Mejia
  • Producer
    Betty Bastidas, Katy Mejia, Jesse Brown
  • Cast
    Nubia Earth Martin